Specialists in food processing equipment

Rademaker Robotics

Rademaker Robotics further reenforces our present dough processing solutions, with more flexibility.
Providing automation for labor intensive processes in our lines, while keeping product quality, process accuracy and stability and our high hygienic standards as key factors. Rademaker's robots are fully integrated in the Rademaker process line, including all the benefits from an integrated HMI up to remote services.
Robot tools, grippers and vision are all designed in-house, benefiting from years of dough handling experience to provide you with a complete high-end solution.

Rademaker Robotics focusses on:

  • Solid filling depositing
  • Product depositing
  • Product shaping
  • Quality control


IMG IOSRobot cell 6

Knakworst Frikandel 4728 4672 5133


For more information about our participation, please contact our sales department representative in your region.

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